the dissident frogman

20 years and 4 months ago

An Award ♠ La Palme

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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It would be worth searching a bit of course but I'm under the impression that Saddam Hussein would deserve an award for the Most Ridiculous Fall for a Dictator:
Official: Saddam Dug Hole to Hide Himself

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Saddam Hussein, trapped in a cellar, dug a hole and buried himself as U.S. soldiers moved into the house where he was hiding, an Iraqi official said Sunday.

"The American soldiers had to use shovels to dig him out," Entifadh Qanbar, spokesman for Governing Council member Ahmad Chalabi, told The Associated Press.
All right, so Kim Jong Il has the world's largest collection of Daffy Duck cartoons.

Saddam is Daffy Duck.

(Thanks to Carine for the link)

Article copy (alternate language)

Cela vaudrait la peine de chercher evidemment mais j'ai comme l'impression que Saddam Hussein mériterait la palme de la Chute La Plus Ridicule pour un Dictateur:
Officiel: Saddam avait creusé un trou pour se cacher

BAGDAD, Irak - Saddam Hussein, piégé dans une cave, a creusé un trou pour s'enterrer alors que les soldats US pénétraient dans la maison où il se cachait, a déclaré un officiel irakien dimanche.

"Les soldats américains ont dû utiliser des pelles pour l'en extraire," a déclaré Entifadh Qanbar, le porte parole du membre du Conseil Gouvernant Ahmad Chalabi à l'Associated Press.
D'accord, donc Kim Jong Il possède la plus grande collection de dessins animés de Daffy Duck au monde.

Saddam est Daffy Duck.

(Merci à Carine pour le lien)



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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (7)

1120 - Fred

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It's a great day for a Us Forces and the Governement of Usa , Saddam a great friend of chirak is trapped ... Good A new time begin for an irakians . I awaiting the commentaries of Mr chirak of this information confirmed by a pics diffused on internet. Hurry up Usa , Hurry up Bush , Hurry up the freedom forces.....

1121 - Avary

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Normal de se cacher dans un trou pour un blaireau, non? Aussi: Delta Force = Ninjas!!!

1122 - Valerie

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Bravo all the soldiers of the Coalition. Bravo to all who have stood with the USA. Bravo, bravo, bravo, brave men and women.

1123 - Todd_in_Korea

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Best news I've heard in a while. As for North Korea, I think you mean Kim Jong-il hs the largest Daffy Duck collection. Kim Il-sung died in 1994.

1124 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Todd, You're right of course and I stand corrected. Damn misleading Marxist dynasties.
Time to take sides

1125 - julie de maupin

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  • julie de maupin

Saddam Hussein: The One True Reason to Bring Back Oubliettes..... Thank you, 4th ID!!!! (And for those of you across the pond: thank you for your support -- no nastiness intended :) -- j

1126 - a still, small voice

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  • a still, small voice

What is it about lunatic Third World despots and old American animated cartoons? Idi Amin loved the old pre-World War II "Tom &erry" cartoons about the cat and mouse. He supposedly watched them for hours on end, then went out to watch political prisoners being tortured, then he would return home and watch Tom &erry some more.