the dissident frogman

19 years and 10 months ago

Paulot Nuke The Jews ♠ Paulot Atomise Les Feujs

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Article copy

Paul-Marie Couteaux, the Sinister Sovereignist MEP who declared in 2001 at the European Parliament:
I have no hesitation in saying that we must consider giving the Arab side a force large enough, including a nuclear force large enough, to persuade Israel that it cannot simply do whatever it wants
And who apparently has no more hesitation today than he had 3 years ago, considering that this transcript of his intervention at the European Parliament is still available on his website as we speak among other excretions of this sorry anti-Semite but also pro-Castro...
Finally, President Castro still is, (...) the incarnation of the XXth century rebel, of the defender of the liberties of the people
... justifier of anti-American and more broadly anti-Western terrorism (via a discourse accurately interchangeable with that of the anti-globalization neo-Bolsheviks and of Al-Qaeda's beard Head of the Propaganda):
"We're led to call "terrorism", as all Empires do actually, what could very well be called resistance." (...) "Granted, I'm far from approving actions targeting the innocents (although, as far as I know, nobody is totally innocent in a democracy. But let's not digress...). Of course I reprove without appeal the attacks of 9/11 (...)
However Ladies and Gentlemen, and this is fundamental: we are not a tribunal. We do not have to tell Good and Evil. (...) In reality, what we call "terrorists" are legions around the world; they multiply and radicalize as the Empire (DF: i.e. the USA of course) unrolls its domination and makes it even more violent against people which values, patrimony and secrets it ignores and who he diabolizes even though they can't measure to it, militarily of course." (...) "There will never be peace between the rich people when they are too rich and too arrogant, and poor people when they are too poor and too humiliated"
... Yes, this right-wing Socialist, Ladies and Gentlemen, was reelected by the Parisians last Sunday.

And we're led to wonder: what is exactly the operational status of the Kidon teams these days?

Article copy (alternate language)

Paul-Marie Couteaux, le Sinistre MPE Souverainiste qui a déclaré en 2001 au Parlement Européen :
Il faut que nous envisagions - je n'hésite pas à le dire - à doter la partie arabe d'une force suffisante, y compris d'une force nucléaire suffisante, pour qu'Israël ne se croit pas tout permis.
Et qui n'a apparemment pas plus d'hésitations aujourd'hui qu'il n'en avait il y a 3 ans, considérant que cette transcription de son intervention au Parlement Européen est toujours disponible sur son site web à cette date, parmi d'autres excrétions de ce pathétique antisémite, mais aussi pro-Castro...
Enfin, le Président Castro reste, (...) l'incarnation du rebelle du XXe siècle, du défenseur de la liberté des peuples
... avocat du terrorisme anti-Américain et plus largement anti-Occidental (via un discours précisément interchangeable avec celui des neo-Bolcheviques antimondialisation et du Département de la Propagande d'Al-Qaeda) :
"nous sommes conduits, comme le font tous les Empires d'ailleurs, à nommer "terrorisme" ce qui pourrait aussi bien s'appeler de la résistance." (...) "Certes, je suis loin d'approuver les actes qui visent des innocents (encore que, dans une démocratie, que je sache, personne ne soit tout à fait innocent. Mais passons...). Il va de soi que je condamne sans appel les attentats du 11 septembre (...)
Il n'en reste pas moins, Mesdames et Messieurs, et ceci est fondamental, que nous ne sommes pas un tribunal. Nous n'avons pas à dire le bien et le mal. (...) En réalité, ce que nous appelons "les terroristes" sont légions de par le monde; ils se multiplient et se radicalisent à mesure même que l'Empire (DF: les USA bien entendu) étend sa domination et la rend plus violente contre les peuples dont il ignore les valeurs, les héritages et les secrets, et qu'il diabolise, alors même qu'ils ne sont évidemment pas à sa taille, militairement s'entend." (...) "Il n'y aura jamais de paix entre des peuples riches, quand ils sont trop riches et trop arrogants, et des peuples pauvres, quand ils sont trop pauvres et trop humiliés."
... Oui, ce socialiste de droite, Mesdames et Messieurs, a été réélu par les parisiens dimanche dernier.

Et nous sommes conduits à nous demander : quelle est exactement le statut opérationnel des équipes Kidon ces jours ci ?



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Comments thread (4)

1493 - Beck

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One of the biggest problems with the way EU Parliament members are selected is that often, candidates wind up being the people who couldn't manage to get elected at home. Party lists are a bad thing people.

1494 - Papertiger

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This is very disappointing. Luckily I read of the overwhelming majority of the British vote going to pro war candidates. Shroeder took a thumping with his SPD socialists. The conservatives took 45% or something. France is a bit stubborn, or could it be a backlash against Chirac? I mean socialist party must be simular to the Democrats over here. Some dems would vote for a yellow dog if it was running as a democrat .

1495 - Charles Hammond Jr.

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  • Charles Hammond Jr.

The Conservatives took it in britain? Wow. I only thought Blair lost. But seriously, a guy who's willing to give these islamofascists nukes? Elected? In charge? Someone needs a CAT scan and a Psycologist.

1496 - urthshu

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hmmm...any views coming out about the recent elections in French Polynesia? I understand they took an anti-imperialist stand of their own and the french were less than pleased.