the dissident frogman

19 years and 5 months ago

When The Machine Fails Us ♠ Trahi Par La Technique

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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For purely hosting related reasons, the Turing code feature is currently out of order - which is the explanation of the broken image link in the comment facility, which in returns blocks the whole comment system (and come to think of it, that was somewhat the idea behind this whole Turing thing).

There's bound to be some major change around here in the (hopefully) not so distant future anyway, but I just wanted to let you know that this particular issue is being worked out.

In the meantime, you still have email to join me, if you can figure out which button to push (Not the red o... Oh blimey.)

Article copy (alternate language)

Pour des raisons strictement en rapport avec l'hebergement, le code Turing est hors de service en ce moment - ce qui explique l'image manquante dans le formulaire de commentaires, qui en retour bloque tout le système (ce qui, maintenant que j'y pense, étais plus ou moins l'idée derrière ce truc Turing).

Il va y avoir des changements majeurs ici dans un futur proche quoi qu'il en soit, mais je voulais simplement vous avertir que ce problème particulier est en passe d'être résolu.

En attendant, il vous reste toujours l'email pour me joindre, si vous arrivez à déterminer quel bouton il vous faut pousser (Pas le roug... Eh merde.)



the dissident frogman's avatar
the dissident frogman

I own, built and run this place. In a previous life I was not French but sadly, I died.


To reveal my email address, find the 4th  number in the code and enter it in the challenge field below.


The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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You're presumed to have read and abide by the comments policy, but here's the gist of it:

Silly or serious, you are responsible for what you write. I slay trolls. Thank you for your comment.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (8)

1679 - Mike H.

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Congrats on the anniversary D F.

1680 - Papertiger

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Two Years ! Dos años? I couldn't have spent two years reading this stuff, could I? Invasion of Iraq. Election of Schwarzenneggar. Gee, I guess I could have. I'll raise a toast to four more years. Bush/Cheney reelected, and we got ourselves a mandate. You won't have to outrun the Gestapo for much longer, DF. Help is on the way.

1681 - Nightfly

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Congratulations on your first two years, DF. I confess to never having signed the guestbook. I shall do so now. Thanks for many enjoyable lunch hours of information and entertainment! (Though this means, of course, that I have to be careful around "les boutons rouge," lest my access to the dacha be restricted.)

1682 - Nightfly

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UPDATED - I can't find the guestbook link! I think it's a conspiracy; the banners aren't loading either and my screen is full of spots that should be graphics but aren't. The worst is, I need coffee and can't add anything nice to it while I'm at work. Now I am officially grumpy.

1683 - Valerie, Texas

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Yours was the first blog I ever read. And it will always be my favorite because of your wit, intelligent observations, humor, passion, and Red Buttons. Thank you Dissident Frogamn for two fantastic yers!

1684 - kat-missouri

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All I've got to say is, "You're the man!" From the red state of Missouri

1685 - m a r t i n @ b l o g b a t

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  • m a r t i n @ b l o g b a t

How about Schwarzkopf? More than merely a pimple to Hillary Clinton, methinks. Btw, I think your comments section is working again.

1686 - Ciggy

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Toute à fait génial! Les boutons rouges, et cetera. C'est mlle "Kat" qui m'a appris de ce blog, peut-être le premier blog francophone qui n'adore pas les terroristes. En fin! Chardonnay (Australien), ça m'a fait éclater de rire! Courage, camarade! On sait maintenant que ce n'est pas TOUT les français qui ont mal à la tête. Et bien, VIVE cette petite partie de la France! Et, bon anniversaire! Salut!